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TURKEY: New Believers Pursue Discipleship Training Despite Family Persecution

VOM South Africa

Mustafa is a former imam who devoutly followed Islam until he grew unsettled with its teachings and became a deist. Through the Christian witness of his wife, Nazli, a recent convert herself, he began asking questions about Jesus and sought answers in the New Testament. Mustafa placed his faith in Christ, and the couple soon experienced persecution from both of their families, who vehemently opposed their newfound faith. The couple had to flee their home because of their family’s opposition and are currently staying at their church’s guesthouse before they leave for a one-year discipleship program this fall.

  • Pray for Mustafa and Nazli as they prepare to train for ministry in their church.

  • Pray that their faithful witness for Christ may lead their hostile family members to faith in Him.


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