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TURKEY: Beaten Bible Distributor Needs Surgery

VOM South Africa
Handing out Bibles, or leaving them to be found, is dangerous in Iran.
Handing out Bibles, or leaving them to be found, is dangerous in Iran.

A Believer named Faraj has needed multiple surgeries after severe persecution. Faraj would carefully place Bibles on empty bus seats in Iran, praying people would find them, read them and come to know Jesus like he did. Eventually, Iranian authorities discovered his clandestine Bible distribution program and arrested him. His jailers tortured him, knocking out numerous teeth and breaking his back. When they stopped their abuse, Faraj fled to Turkiye, where the body of Christ helped provide for replacement teeth and two back surgeries.

  • Faraj is scheduled for a third surgery and requests prayer for its success and for an end to his pain.

  • He also requests prayer for dealing with the stress of being separated from his wife.

  • Pray for people, including Faraj's persecutors, to come to know Christ through his witness.


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