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Syria: Syrian Refugee Growing in Faith

VOM South Africa

A Syrian boy who came to Christ while taking refuge in another country continues to follow the Lord. Ishmael left Syria with his family when the war broke out. He started school in the country where they were living as refugees but had to leave school at age 8 in order to work and help his father provide for the family. A front-line worker met Ishmael and helped him get back into school. “I became like an older brother to him,” the front-line worker wrote, and he and Ishmael met for weekly Bible studies. After several years, Ishmael’s family decided to return to Syria, and Ishmael has kept in touch with the front-line worker. “Sometimes he reminds me to study the Bible even more than what is in our Bible study program,” the front-line worker said.

Pray for Ishmael to continue to grow in his faith, and pray for him to be able to continue his education.

Pray also for the front-line worker who is touching the lives of many Syrians like Ishmael.

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