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Persecution of Vietnam’s Christians Is Not Old News

VOM South Africa

I wonder how many of us consider the plight of Christians in Communist Vietnam.

I also wonder if we have done a good job explaining to the younger generation that more than three decades after the end of the Cold War, Vietnam’s Communist regime continues to severely persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Though it will require hard work on our part, we must resolve to ensure that the larger body of Christ understands the ongoing persecution of Christians in Vietnam. This task is complicated in part by the media focus on Islamist terror and persecution, which have increased around the world in recent decades.

Communism in Southeast Asia may seem like old, or insignificant news in light of the violent spread of radical Islam.

But that is exactly how Vietnam’s Communists intend to win — by convincing the world that oppression does not exist in their country.

The core of the Communists’ strategy in Vietnam is to hide their oppression. Instead of openly arresting Christians for activities of their faith, the Communists have become experts at deceitfully punishing Christians through land seizures and imprisonment on false charges or no charges at all.

We do our best to share the stories of our Vietnamese brothers and sisters in Christ while providing them protection from their own government.

As we seek to meet the needs of persecuted Christians in places like Vietnam, we are at times limited in the material assistance we can provide. But even when we cannot provide much tangible help, we can always serve them in the way that means the most to persecuted Christians: by sharing their stories with other members of the body of Christ. In this way, we provide encouragement and prayer.

You can be “The Voice of the Martyrs” this month by making sure our persecuted brothers and sisters in Vietnam are remembered by your family, friends and church. May you be blessed with the peace and joy of the Lord as you do so!

From our CEO,



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