Imran Ghafur, who spent more than 10 years in prison on a false blasphemy charge, was acquitted and released late last year. During his 10 years in prison, Imran fought the blasphemy charge through the court system with multiple delays. In November 2020, a scheduled hearing was delayed without explanation, but on December 8, the court acquitted Imran of all charges, and he was released to his family on Christmas Day. He is currently in hiding as extremists who are angry about the court’s decision continue to issue threats. Shortly before Imran was acquitted, his brother Naveen told VOM workers, “You have been helping us since 2010, and we are grateful. In our area, due to corona, many people are jobless and don’t have food to eat. God is our helper through you.”
Continue to pray for Imran and his family as they prepare for the future.
Pray for the salvation of the people who are angry at Imram's release.