Fulani militants have continued their killing spree in north and central Nigeria with a brutal attack on a Baptist village in Kaduna on Tuesday night.
Villagers were asleep when Fulani set upon them with guns and knives. Seven children were among the dead. Six people were injured, including a baby whose skull was penetrated by a bullet that killed her mother.
Tthe attackers met with no resistance, despite the presence of a military checkpoint nearby. Press reports suggested the Fulani killed another six people in nearby villages.
Ask God to heal the injured and comfort those who are mourning in Gonan Rogo.
Thank God that the life of the three-month-old baby has been miraculously spared.
Pray that villagers will emerge from this ordeal with a stronger faith.
Pray that they will know that nothing cannot separate them from the love of God and so they are ‘more than conquerors’ (Romans 8:35, 37).
Ask God to give state and national authorities wisdom and firm resolve to end a crisis that has dragged on for years now.
“Pray for the Persecutors, that they might be saved”. Richard Wurmbrand.
Source: Release International