A Muslim religious leader and professor named Hamed began chatting with Christians on a Christian broadcasting website. He was angry that someone would proclaim Jesus as the way and the truth. That conversation turned into Hamed writing in every day with questions. A week later, Hamed wrote to say that he had given his life to Christ secretly, but that he was afraid of the reaction of his family and workplace. “I felt so much peace after reading the Bible,” he said. “I studied the Bible thoroughly and searched online for more commentaries on it.” Hamed also said the content of what he was teaching his Islam students had changed, and they had noticed. His wife confronted him, and when he revealed he was following Jesus, she threatened to divorce him. “I am now a secret Christian and have to speak to you in private,” he wrote. “The most they can do is kill me, but they can’t take away my love for Jesus!”
Pray that Hamed and other secret believers like him will stand firm in their faith and have a positive influence on those around them.