An Egyptian couple bears on their bodies the effects of their choice to follow Christ. When Adel became a Believer in 2009, his brother and his friends brutally beat him, crushing his shoulder. His parents cut him out of the family inheritance, and Adel fled to Ethiopia in order to find work. When he returned to Egypt to marry his wife, who also converted to Christianity, they moved to another city and joined a Coptic (Eastern traditional Christian) church. However, the leader of the church was forced to give a list of all the former Muslims in his church to state security, and Adel and his wife had to flee Egypt once more in early January 2020. As they fled, his wife’s knee was damaged in a car accident, and she continues to experience problems.
Pray for them as they recover and are discipled.
Pray for the Adel's family to become Believers.
Pray that Egypt will become a religiously free nation.