Pastor Pierre led a church in northern Burkina Faso until 2019 when jihadists attacked his village. When the attackers entered his village and began shooting, Pastor Pierre was warned that "the terrorists are coming to kill you; you have to leave." The pastor and all of his church members fled to a nearby city, where he found a home and currently provides shelter for 16 others. VOM has provided Pastor Pierre with living assistance as well as an audio Bible, which he uses to preach and teach among other refugees in his city. "The people don't have anything to do, so they want to listen to the Bible," he said. "Many are giving their lives to Christ."
Pray for more audio Bibles to reach these new Believers so they can continue to grow in their walk with Christ.
Praise God for Pastor Pierre's obedience to share the Gospel, and pray that many more will receive Christ through his faithful witness.