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BENIN: Abandoned by Her Family, Loved by Jesus

VOM South Africa

Maelle was only five years old when she was sent to a wealthier family’s home to care for their infant child. While working there, Maelle attended church for the first time. Raised in a Muslim home, she placed her trust in Christ when she heard that “Jesus loves the little children.” She said she felt that “Jesus loves [her] more than [her] family,” who had abandoned her. Two years later, she was sent back to her family, but when they learned that she had come to know Christ, they were upset and prevented her from attending church. Maelle ran away from home and worked as a housecleaner to support herself. Today, she is 14 years old and lives with a pastor’s family, who are helping her attend school and learn to sew. She prays that her parents will come to know Christ. Pray for Maelle.


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